ORALYTE Suitable substitute for injectable serum

The body needs water and electrolytes to maintain the balance of blood and other fluids in tissues and cells for proper functioning.

If the fluid level or electrodeposition of the body is reduced, the body becomes dehydrated.

Sudden dehydration occurs in the event of severe diarrhea and vomiting, high fever and excessive sweating.

ORALYTE is used to treat mild to moderate body dehydration.

The Advantage of consume ORALYTE:

۱) Uses of ORALYTE does not require specialized sterile equipment

۲) Treatment with ORALYTE is much cheaper than treatment with injectable serum, but with the same efficacy.

۳) ORALYTE consumption does not require trained professionals.

۴) This product is powdered in 5 grams of sachet to prepare 200 ml of tasteful solution and  available from all pharmacies.

۵) In the formulation of this product, the amounts of sugar, sodium and potassium, citrate and chloride are in perfect accordance with the WHO formulation.

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